Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Freaking out

I have just got back from the ortho (which cost me 83 QUID) and I am a little bit in shock. Since reading about braces and orthodontia etc I have kind of thought that jaw surgery (probably mandibular advancement) would be what I needed. But today I heard it from a professional and it has freaked me out. He said I would probably need a Lefort I too. I feel like crying. Apparently I have a long face and while my teeth look like they stick out (which I still think they do - at least to some degree), it's actually my lower jaw that is recessed.

I don't know what to do. He says I have to option of just having braces but they wouldn't bring my teeth back too far because they seem to be at the right place in my face. It would be a case of bringing them back a bit and then bringing my lower teeth forward. Whatever they did last time seemed to work though and I was ecstatic with those results. He would need to shave my teeth down to make room this time he said. I'm really confused. :o( He didn't really state if the surgery would be functional or cosmetic and I wouldn't do that for just cosmetic reasons.

Anyhoo, back to him for impressions etc on 9th September.


Leah said...

Hi Mim! Thanks! I completely understand where you're coming from. Its a huge decision. The best advice I can say is do you research (which it looks like you are). I spent hours reading others' blogs and researching case studies to help me decide. You asked if I have any regrets. At this point, I can honestly say that I don't. Everything has just gone wonderfully. The worst part was the first 2 weeks post op (intense swelling but not much pain to speak of). I was expecting it to be so much harder that it was (it was hard, don't get me wrong). But either I was just lucky and healed well or my surgeons were great. Definitely try and find the best surgeons that you can. I think a surgeon's technique has a lot to do with recovery. Also, we're the same age so I think that will help you out to. It seems that the older you get, the harder the recovery is. If I can help you by answering any questions you have, feel free to ask!

Mimmy said...

Hey, thanks for you reply - it's made me feel better! Sometimes it seems like I read about so many people going through this that it makes me forget it's actually major surgery! I definitely think that if I was to decide to get it, it would be while I was young although I don't heal too well anyway!!